Jesus, What Religion Are You?


I once came across a discussion started on a Social Network site, a question asked, What do you think Jesus' reply would be if we asked, "Jesus, what Religion are you?"

First let me explain how I see Religion. I see Religion as...

--a man-made attempt to reach God, not so different from the attempt made to build the tower in Babel (Read the Book of Genesis) to try and somehow climb up to where God supposedly exists.

Man always seems to see God as up, far and away from himself. So a group is formed, joined together following certain beliefs. This becomes "the church" to people today, and they become led by a man who begins building his own personal kingdom and most don't even realize it.

The Bible does not instruct us to "GO TO CHURCH"; JESUS called us to "BE THE CHURCH". The major mistake most make while "searching for God", is to run into a religious organization such as a local church, and begin learning their doctrines, immediately upholding them as "truth." Jesus once stated, "If the blind lead the blind, they both will fall into a ditch." The problem comes in allowing another person to lead you, rather than God's Spirit.

Yes, God will speak to you! "A knowing within yourself," is the spirit of God who will lead you unto all truth. Our goal is for us to learn to look within ourself for the answers we seek; for God will speak to our hearts. Paul in Romans said, "...those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God." Surely, we dwell in God and God dwells in us. The Kingdom of God is within us. answer the question....I think if one was to ask Jesus what religion He was....well, many times Jesus was not one to answer directly the question asked. He always came back with something profound, did He not? Or sometimes, He said nothing at all.Or even just wrote in the sand.

I think if Jesus was asked what "religion" He was, I think He would simply reply.....

"I and my Father are One".  He also prayed to the Father that we be One with them!! (Read John 17:20-26)

He's basically saying, there is no need for me to be part of "an attempt to reach God by a set of doctrines".

And neither is there such a need for us because... as the Word says...

The Kingdom of God is within us.

" some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, 'These things which you see; the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.'" -Luke 21:5 (Jesus Christ speaking of religion)

The mistake is not in "running to a religious organization" nor is it in"learning their doctrines"; the mistake is "immediately upholding their doctrines as truth" before ever studying it out for yourself and consulting God about them. He WILL reveal truth to you through the Holy Spirit.

Connie J. Schmoll

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