Deut. 22:5 Wearing of Pants Forbidden?

Deuteronomy 22:5
This is not prohibiting that men and women could not wear clothes that had the same form such as shirt and a blouse and is not prohibiting women from wearing pants, but rather this is a forbidding of cross dressing or transvestitism. They were practicing transvestitism and worshiping false gods, which is still an abomination unto God.

Some also say the scripture may also be forbidding the confounding of the dispositions and affairs of the sexes: men must not be effeminate, not doing the women's work in the house, just as a women should not be a strong manlike woman which would take us actually to the woman usurping authority, 1 Tim. 2:11-12.

So, making application for today……it would be sort of like, the man should be the one "wearing the pants" in the family. (excuse the pun) hahahahaha! Only I’m not talking literally, but it is speaking of the roles of the man and woman, the dispositions and affairs of the sexes.

It’s kind of like the very principle taught in I Cor 11. Teaching the principle of submission.

So again, we must preserve the principle that women should look like women and men look like men but the way in which this is, so varies from culture to culture. If you are going to hold to the days of the Bible, then we should all be wearing robes. Cultures change and it is not wrong to dress in what is acceptable for the culture you live in, providing it doesn’t break the Biblical injunction of modesty.

Some state that women wearing pants do not look feminine but what is funny is those who believe that pants on a woman is not modest or feminine, usually have no problem in prohibiting a man from growing a beard although it could be argued that this subtracts from his masculinity. God intended for a beard to be an obvious sex distinction but the Neo-Pharisee conveniently ignores these facts when they don’t fit in with his set of standards.

Let me share some points:

1. It is a fact that the word for "man" in this scripture -- "geber" -- and what it means is not the word most generally used in Scripture. Try and explain it away if you will but that is the fact. You can't change that fact no matter how hard you try.

2. It's a fact that "pertaineth" here is not talking about what we normally associate with the word OR the normal usage of the word.

3. You cannot take one scripture by itself with no supporting scriptures and make a doctrine out of it. Other scripture MUST bear witness. There is none in regards to Deut. 22:5

4. Jesus never addressed the issue of outward adornment when He was teaching, preaching and evangelizing. He covered a multitude of subjects but He apparently felt that what a person wore was of little importance because He gave it no importance or emphasis.

5. Why is it that many of those who preach and teach that it's a sin for a woman to wear a pair of pants have no problem with them being worn in the home and/or to bed? Very inconsistent if you ask me. If the "pants" (men's apparel) -- long or short -- themselves are an abomination to God - wouldn't He be displeased no matter where they are worn? It makes sense to me.

6. Pants do NOT make a woman look like a man. A woman - in 98% of the cases - is very easily identified as a woman! It's very difficult in most cases to get the two genders mixed up for very obvious reasons and we all know what I'm talking about here. -- namely breasts, hips and hairstyles.

7. Pants do NOT change women into men or make them more masculine. Women may have the freedom to sit differently than if they had skirts on, but that has nothing to do with nothing (excuse the grammar )really and certainly does NOT masculate a woman.

8. When men and women both wore robes, did that cause the men to act more effeminate? I don't think so! It makes sense then that the opposite would apply in regards to pants on women.

9. Pants have nothing to do with masculine/feminine mannerisms! What about men who wear pants but act VERY effeminate and even cross their legs like a lady normally does? I've seen many of them sitting like a woman on church platforms.

10. A friend of mine had the privilege of visiting countries where men wear robes and sarongs. She said that wearing a robe or a sarong does not make those men effeminate any more than a woman wearing a pair of pants makes them masculine.

11. Pants have nothing to do with holiness, righteousness, salvation, spirituality or anointing. Neither do they have anything to do with issues of femininity, gender distinction, masculinity, rebellion, disobedience or submission to authority. You can be "masculine", disobedient, unsubmissive, and rebellious in a skirt!

12. As to the "modesty" factor...if pants are immodest on a woman, they are just as immodest on a man. More so in fact, because men have more to show in that area of the anatomy than a woman does.

You never read in the Bible where God made a skirt for Eve and pants for Adam. The fact is there was not a whole lot of difference in the dress forms of men and women in Bible days. The women actually wore tunics and cloaks like the men. They were just different in detail, not kind. Today, the details of women’s pants are distinguishable from men’s pants, therefore, our culture does not say women are wearing men’s apparel when they put on a pair of women’s pants.

Here we pretty much just have inconsistency that is obvious with regard to picking one verse out of the whole Bible and misapplying it and creating an unnecessary yoke. Unfortunately, the narrow and one tracked interpretation of this verse has not brought forth good fruit but rather it has brought judging, discord and a Pharisee spirit to many homes and churches. If a woman has a personal conviction against wearing pants, then we should respect her for that, but in rightly dividing this Scripture we would say a woman should make her decision as to what to wear as a woman and not on a basis of a "hairsplitting" inflexible law.

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